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Manual-Control Electric Golf Caddies with Lithium Batteries

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Cart-Tek GRi-975-Li - Lithium Battery Golf Trolley Cart-Tek GRi-975-Li Golf Trolley with Downhill Braking

Golf-Trolley with Optional Braking Module and Lithium Battery

Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price: $1,349.00
Sale Price: $1,199.00

MGI Zip X5 Electric Caddy MGI Zip X5 - Electric Golf Caddy

MGI Zip X5 Electric Caddy with Electronic Brakes, Downhill Speed Control and Lithium Battery

Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Days
List Price: $1,695.00
Sale Price: $1,249.00

MGI Zip-X1 Electric Golf Trolley MGI ZiP X1 - Electric Golf Caddy

Economy Trolley with LED Controls Display, 4th Rear Stability Wheel and Lithium Battery

Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Days
List Price: $999.00
Sale Price: $699.00
MGI Zip X3 Electric Caddy MGI Zip X3 Electric Golf Caddy

MGI Zip X3 Electric Caddy with Controlled Distance Advance, Anti-Tip Wheel and Lithium Battery

Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Days
List Price: $1,399.00
Sale Price: $1,049.00

Want to know more about Lithium batteries? Read on ...

Lithium-Ion vs. Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries

Battery Technology: The two types of batteries on the market today are the Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA) and the Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) battery. Although it is possible to convert a trolley with SLA hookup into a Li-Ion system, it can be somewhat troublesome. The best option is to consider the advantages of the two systems and intentionally buy a cart with the battery hookup you most like.
Sealed Lead Acid
  • Less expensive than Li-Ion
  • May help stabilize golf cart due to a heavier design than Li-Ion
Lithium Ion
  • Lighter than Lead Acid Batteries
  • Smaller than Lead Acid Batteries
  • Continues Working 2-4 times longer than Lead Acid Batteries (before replacement is necessary)
Some FAQ’s:

1. What about replacing an Electric Golf Caddy’s SLA battery with a Li-Ion battery?
Manufacturers often change from a 12-volt system to a 24-volt system when using Lithium batteries. So significant modifications in electronics may be required. If the battery characteristics are the same (voltage and amp-hour capacity), it is possible to substitute a Li-Ion battery for an SLA; however the battery mount would have to be modified and a different battery charger and possibly cable connections would be required. Also, if substituted during the warranty period, the manufacturer may void the warranty on any affected components.

2. What about life-cycle costs battery replacement/operating costs?
Some recent calculations show that when the Li-Ion battery’s cost is over 3 times that of the SLA battery, life-cycle cost advantage goes to the SLA battery design. And when the Li-Ion battery cost is under 2 times that of the SLA, life-cycle cost advantage goes to the Li-Ion application. With today’s pricing, the life-cycle cost advantage still goes to the SLA battery.

For More Complete Information, View Article about Lithium Batteries